IA has joined forces with our clinical exercise specialist Sarah Russell to provide free online core rehabilitation classes for any member with an ileostomy or internal pouch.

Thanks to a generous donor, each month we are able to fund up to eight people to participate in core rehabilitation classes with Sarah through her online studio.

Classes are for members of IA who have an ileostomy, internal pouch, reversal surgery and those with a parastomal hernia. They are based on physiotherapy led clinical Pilates principles and are suitable for everyone: you must be able to get down onto the floor easily, be able to lie on your back and be able to kneel on all fours comfortably; you can be 3-4 weeks post-surgery to start Foundations Class and you can join a class if you have a hernia.

IA funding is flexible and you can apply for funding through IA to mix and match your time with Sarah to suit, such as:

  • EIGHT online classes OR
  • TWO 1:1’s with Sarah OR
  • A mix of both, e.g. ONE 1:1 with Sarah and FOUR online classes.

This is a great opportunity to get back into fitness safely following abdominal surgery. Before deciding, you will be invited to attend a free trial session to help you decide which you can book through Sarah’s website directly – details will follow where IA funding is agreed. Where demand is high, people will be selected at random from the pool of applicants although access to a free trial session will still be possible.

Group classes are delivered MONTHLY and will be down to you to register your attendance via Sarah’s website (subject to availability) – details will be provided of how to book where funding is agreed. You can choose to attend online monthly where Sarah will be available to guide, support your technique and answer any questions (there is also a Q&A at the end of the online class) or register for the class to gain access to Sarah’s recorded session which you can follow through at your leisure, multiple times, for the month. Online attendees who have booked and attend the lesson with Sarah will also gain access to the recorded version for the month.

IN ADDITION, Sarah will also provide access to her online library of classes for a limited time (paid access per recording is also available directly through Sarah). You will be required to register on Sarah’s website to obtain access. This is NOT part of funding and access can be withdrawn by Sarah at any time.

Please ensure that you are able to complete the sessions whether that’s live or recorded to make optimum use of the funding agreed. You may be asked to be involved in research questionnaires before and after the classes.

To apply for a place on the Specialist Core Rehab Program, please complete the application form.

Please note that by entering your contact details you are consenting to IA processing and securely storing your personal data for the purposes of registering with IA’s Specialist Core Rehabilitation Programme. To withdraw your consent at any time, please email [email protected], or write to us at IA National Office, Danehurst Court, 35-37 West Street, Rochford, Essex. SS4 1BE.

If you are not currently a member of IA, you can join HERE