Our Research Projects
Development of core outcome sets for gastrointestinal recovery after surgery and surgical disease
Develop a set of core outcomes for ileus and small bowel obstruction following surgery and disease.
DiSCO: Defining Standards in Colorectal Optimisation
Improving patient outcomes following surgery through pre-op preparation or ‘pre-habilitation’.
HALT – Hernia Active Living Trial, a feasibility study of a physical activity intervention to improve quality of life in parastomal hernia
Date: 2020
Looking at the impact of exercise on parastomal hernias and bulges in people with a stoma.
The PROPHER study: Patient Reported Outcomes after Parastomal Hernia treatment – a prospective international cohort study
Date: 2019
Looking at surgical and non-surgical techniques in managing parastomal hernias to determine best treatment.
The PAPooSE Study: Pregnancy outcomes and experience in Patients with ileostomies
This study aims to establish the informational needs of female patients following stoma surgery who wish to consider starting a family and record patient experiences during pregnancy with a stoma, so that patients can be given the best information to help them make future decisions.
Understanding day-to-day well-being and self-management practices in people with a stoma.
This study will gather data on participants in real-time over seven days, allowing the research team to gather data which can translate into the development of interventions which can have an impact in participants’ everyday lives.
Stomasense: A New Route to the Proactive Detection and Management of Leaks within Ostomy Pouches
In this study, the research team have developed a sensing system that can detect the early onset of stoma pouch failure – providing an alert that allows the patient to replace the pouch before catastrophic seepage of bowel/bladder content. They have demonstrated the proof of principle of the system with a limited 10 patient human trial.
PRESTO: Development of a new patient reported outcome measure (PROM) to assess psychosocial response to stoma in people with IBD
This study aims to develop a new questionnaire informed by the experiences of those living with a stoma for IBD, so that they can report outcomes relevant to the issues that matter to them.