Understanding day-to-day well-being and self-management practices in people with a stoma


Head Researcher

William Goodman, University of Leeds

This study will gather data on participants in real-time over seven days, allowing the research team to gather data which can translate into the development of interventions which can have an impact in participants’ everyday lives. This study will explore patterns of self-management amongst people with a stoma and how this is associated with other factors (e.g. context and complications) in the moment. It will also allow the research team to investigate how quality of life and self-management practices fluctuate day-to-day and what factors influence this.

Participants will be asked to download an App to their mobile phone which will prompt them to complete a short survey three times a day for seven days. The study will contain questions on their current context (where they are, what they are doing and who they are with) and also questions regarding their quality of life and self-efficacy and if they are having any problems with their stoma. A similar questionnaire will also be available for participants to self-report when they have any problems with their stoma.

After data collection 30 participants will be invited to take part in a semi-structured interview, to discuss the data gathered in the study, the acceptability of the method of data collection and their thoughts on what a future intervention to improve quality of life might look like.

This study addresses a gap in the current research for people with a stoma and will help to provide an understanding of quality of life and self-efficacy in the moment, how this is impacted by an individual’s context and when they have a complication. Alongside this data, the interviews will explore the support that people with a stoma received and whether they wanted to receive additional support in other areas. Taken together, the findings from this study will aid in designing future interventions to better target the support people with a stoma need.

If you’d like to participate in this research, please contact William Goodman of University of Leeds, on [email protected]